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Assessment and participant statuses





Setup has not been completed.

Setup has not been completed.


Assessments will be sent out on the launch date.

The participant will receive invites on the launch date.


Assessment invites have been sent, but no one has opened their questionnaire.

The participant has received an invite but has not opened their questionnaire.

In progress

At least one participant has opened their questionnaire.

The participant has opened their questionnaire.



The participant has submitted their questionnaire but will have more tasks to complete.

Ready to share

The manager has submitted their questionnaire and manager sharing is available.

The manager has submitted their questionnaire and manager sharing is available.

Ready to acknowledge

Results have been shared and acknowledgement is required but the participant hasn’t acknowledged yet.

Results have been shared and acknowledgement is required but the participant hasn’t acknowledged yet.


The participants have no further actions to complete.

This participant has no further actions to complete.


The review was closed while the assessment was either launched or in progress.

The review was closed while the participant was either launched or in progress.


The assessment is cancelled.

The assessment is cancelled and the participant’s status is not already complete or incomplete.

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