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How openings work

Quinto provides a structured platform to efficiently manage job openings, from hiring team collaboration to candidate comparison. Each opening guides you through a series of rounds, where you can schedule interviews, ask the right questions, and ensure that every candidate is thoroughly evaluated. We’ve broken down the key components below so you can get an overview of the process.

  • An opening can have a hiring team including a recruiter, hiring manager, and interviewers.

  • An opening is made up of rounds. Customize rounds or use the defaults provided.

  • Add interview questions to a round or choose to start with an interview template.

  • Add candidates to a round. You can view and manage all candidates in a separate table.

  • Set up an interview for each candidate. Schedule a day and time, and add interviewers.

  • Each interviewer submits a scorecard with their ratings of the candidate’s answers.

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