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In-depth vs snapshot questions

When setting up a review, you can choose between two types of questions: in-depth or snapshot.

In-depth questions

In-depth questions present the behaviors from a single level of proficiency. Participants rate how effectively an employee performs each behavior using the following scale, providing an detailed assessment.

  • Needs development

  • Meets expectations (target)

  • Exceeds expectations

  • Sets a new standard

These ratings do not reflect the employee’s overall proficiency level; instead, they indicate how effectively the employee performs at the proficiency level required for their job.

In-depth example

  • A job requires Client Focus at Level 2.

  • The employee is rated on each behavior.

  • The average of these ratings is 3 (meets expectations).

  • This indicates the employee is performing at Level 2 of Client Focus.

When to use in-depth questions

  • Ideal for performance management.

  • When you want more detailed and granular feedback.

In-depth assessments are not available for skills.

Snapshot questions

Snapshot questions present a series of competencies or skills. For each competency or skill, participants select the level that reflects the employee’s overall performance, providing an overview assessment. These ratings reflect the employee’s proficiency levels across the competencies or skills being evaluated.

Snapshot example

  • A job requires Client Focus at Level 2.

  • The employee is rated 3 for the Client Focus competency.

  • This indicates the employee is performing at Level 3 of Client Focus.

When to use snapshot questions

  • Ideal for career development.

  • When time constraints require a simpler, less detailed evaluation process.

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