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Anonymize a user

When you want to remove an employee’s personally identifiable data, you can anonymize their account. This is a useful feature to satisfy the right of erasure required by the GDPR.

Once anonymized, a user’s account and activities are gone forever.

What happens when a user is anonymized?

  • Their account can no longer be restored.

  • Their name and email address are replaced with an alphanumeric code everywhere in Quinto to anonymize their activities and contributions (e.g., audit log entries, comments on job descriptions).

  • Their profile picture is deleted.

How to anonymize users

  1. Click the gear icon on the top right of your screen.

  2. Select User management in the dropdown.

  3. Click Actions on the top right of the page.

  4. Select Anonymize users in the dropdown.

  5. Click a user’s 3-dot icon and select Anonymize.

  6. Click Anonymize to confirm.

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