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User management

Set up users, positions, and security.

User access

Add a new user

User import guide

Customize the Quinto invite email

Invite users to access Quinto

Send password reset links

Activate and deactivate users

What are suspended users?

Delete and restore users

Log in as another user

Org structure

Jobs vs positions

How do I add a user to a job?

Change a user's position

Set up reporting relationships

Organize positions in departments


Permission sets vs licenses

How do I change a user's license?

Set the default permission set

Customize permission sets

Can I assign permissions to users in bulk?


How do I set up 2FA?

How do I set up SSO?

How do I set up one-time link access?

SSO: Microsoft

SSO: Okta

SSO Troubleshooting


Export a user's account data

Anonymize a user

GDPR compliance

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