Change a user's position
Click the gear icon on the top right of your screen.
Select User management in the dropdown.
Search for and click the name of the user in the table.
Scroll to the Details section.
Click the 3-dot icon beside the position.
Select an option in the drop-down:
Update position title: This option allows you to rename the user’s current position. For example, perhaps you want to change Business Development Representative to Business Development Associate. This doesn’t change the job association or any reporting relationships.
Change position: This option allows you to move the user into another position or create a new position. For example, perhaps a Business Development Representative has been promoted to Business Development Manager. This removes the user from their current position, so the job association and reporting relationships will also change.
Unassign position: This option allows you to remove the user’s current position. Perhaps an employee has left the organization, and you’re not planning to replace them right away. This doesn’t delete the position, but it will now be labelled as vacant.
Additional position: This option allows you to associate more than one position to a user. Perhaps an employee in your organization performs two roles. This means the user will show up twice in the Quinto org chart, tables, and search results. They will be associated to two different jobs and have two sets of reporting relationships.
Click the position to edit its job, manager, direct reports, or department.