Compare job descriptions
Available on Plus and Compliance plans
Quinto allows you to view jobs side by side so you can easily compare their requirements. This tool helps you to make informed decisions, ensuring that the competencies, responsibilities, skills, and other details are aligned with jobs in the same family or at the same level.
Comparing jobs from the table
Follow the steps below to analyze the similarities and differences of any two jobs.
Click Jobs in the top nav.
Find the job you want to view.
Click the 3-dot icon and select Compare.
Search for and select another job.
Click the drop-down to switch between versions.
Click Differences to highlight differences, matches, or nothing.
Comparing jobs while editing
View other jobs in the side panel of the job youβre working on to make quick comparisons.
Click Jobs in the top nav.
Click the name of the job in the table.
Click Actions and select Edit job.
Click the search icon in the toolbar to open the content finder.
Click the library name and select Compare jobs in the drop-down.
Search for and select another job.
Click Fullscreen to expand your view.
Comparing job versions
Track the changes and improvements in previous job versions with ease.
Click Jobs in the top nav.
Click the name of the job in the table.
Click the History tab.
Find the version you want to compare.
Click the 3-dot icon and select Compare job versions.
Select another version in the drop-down.