Export job descriptions
Exporting job descriptions can be useful for reviewing job requirements at a glance or sharing a job with external partners. Quinto makes it easy to export jobs to PDF or Word as needed. You can select which content to include as you export. The content options available are determined on the job template.
Exporting a single job
Follow the steps below to export an individual job description.
Click Jobs in the top nav.
Click the name of the job in the table.
Click Actions and select Export.
Select PDF or Word as the format.
Select All content or Selected content.
Decide which content to include.
Click Export.
Exporting jobs in bulk
Follow the steps below to export multiple jobs simultaneously.
Click Jobs in the top nav.
Select the jobs you want to export.
Click Export at the top of the page.
Select PDF or Word as the format.
Select All content or Selected content.
Decide which content to include.
Click Export.