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Rename a library

Library names such as Competencies and Responsibilities appear on jobs to organize requirements. You can customize any library name so your job descriptions reflect the terminology used within your organization. For example, you might want to change ‘Responsibilities’ to ‘Tasks’ or ‘Skills’ to ‘Knowledge’. The new name replaces the default name on pages and menu options throughout Quinto.

  1. Click the gear icon on the top right of your screen.

  2. Select General administration in the drop-down.

  3. Click Content defaults under Content in the side menu.

  4. Click the Libraries tab.

  5. Point to a library and click the 3-dot icon.

  6. Select Rename in the drop-down.

  7. Enter a new name and click Save.

  8. Click the pending updates icon to apply the change to published jobs.

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