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Pending job updates FAQ

What are pending job updates?

There are many places in Quinto where you can make changes to a job, even when you don’t have the job open in front of you. Editing a competency, changing job properties, or customizing a template are all actions that impact jobs. Draft jobs and draft versions of published jobs are updated as soon as you save a change. Published jobs are updated in a separate step so you have more control over these active documents.

If there are pending updates, you’ll see a refresh icon in the top right corner of your screen. Click this icon to open a panel listing the changes waiting to be applied to published jobs. You can select which changes you want to apply, and then choose an update process: a silent or a controlled update. This adds a layer of visibility to the changes being made to jobs if there are several admins in your site.

Silent vs controlled update

We offer two options for applying pending job updates to published jobs:

Controlled update

Silent update

We create a draft version of the job with the update; the published version is untouched.

We publish a new version of the job with the update. The previous version is untouched and can be viewed in the job’s history.

Published jobs that already have a draft version are excluded and won’t be re-published.

We recommend choosing a controlled update when you’re making substantial changes. This allows you to review the draft version of each affected job and make any further adjustments before publishing. A silent update is a great option when you’re making minor changes like fixing typos.

Which actions trigger a pending job update?

Related updates are captured by a single entry in the updates panel. These include:

  1. Properties updated: Turning off, deleting, or renaming a job property or level.

  2. Architecture updated: Adding or removing core, leadership, job-family, or career-stream competencies. This also includes setting proficiency levels for leadership competencies.

  3. Job template updated: Making any changes to the job description template.

  4. Scales updated: Editing, deleting, or turning off a scale.

  5. Location changes: Renaming or deleting job locations.

  6. Job moves: Moving jobs from one group to another.

  7. Bulk actions > Job types: Assigning a type to jobs from the jobs table.

  8. Bulk actions > Job levels: Assigning a level to jobs from the jobs table.

  9. [Library name] updated: Editing, archiving, or deleting a library item.

Who can apply pending job updates?

Users who have the Content administrator, Manage jobs, or Manage libraries permissions can see all pending job updates. However, a user can only apply updates that they have permission to manage.

  • Content administrator: Can apply all updates.

  • Manage jobs: Can only apply updates 6-9.

  • Manage libraries: Can only apply update 9.

Pending updates include changes made by anyone on your site, not only the changes you’ve made. You’ll see the name of the person who made a change under each update. If you’re unsure about whether to choose a silent or a controlled update, we suggest getting in touch with the person who made the change.

I made a change. Why don’t I see a pending job update?

Check the above list to make sure the action you performed is one that should trigger an update. Next, use the status filter to see if you have any published jobs in your site. Draft jobs are updated as soon as a change is saved. If your site only has draft jobs, you won’t see pending updates.

Can I undo a pending job update?

There’s no undo option for a pending update. The change has already been applied to draft jobs, so you’ll want to make sure all updates are eventually applied to bring published jobs in line with draft jobs.

If there’s a change you really don’t want to apply or that was made in error, complete the opposite action. For example, if you turned off a job property, turn the same property back on, and then apply both pending changes using the silent update. This won’t recover data deleted from draft jobs, but it will preserve data on your published jobs.

Last updated date discrepancies

The last updated date of a job doesn’t always line up with its version history. Perhaps all your jobs show today’s date, but you haven’t published any jobs today. This occurs after performing an action listed above and before applying the pending update. During that timespan, the jobs have technically been updated, but updates aren’t apparent in published jobs until pending updates is run.

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