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Create and edit library items

Competencies are full documents rather than simple items, so there are more steps to create and edit them. Learn more

We provide library items for a wide range of jobs, but no two organizations are exactly alike. You have the flexibility of editing items and creating your own so you can tailor our standardized libraries to suit your needs.

Creating library items

  1. Click Libraries in the top nav.

  2. Select a library in the drop-down at the top of the page.

  3. Click Create on the top right of the page.

  4. Type in or paste each new item on a separate line.

  5. Select a group to place the item in and click Create.


Editing library items

  1. Click Libraries in the top nav.

  2. Select a library in the drop-down at the top of the page.

  3. Point to the item you want to edit.

  4. Click the 3-dot icon and select Edit.

  5. Make your changes in the window that opens and click Save.

  6. Click the pending updates icon to apply changes to published jobs.

Repeat these steps to add all of the library items you’ll need to describe the jobs in your organization. This preparation in Libraries pays off when you start building job descriptions–using library items keeps them consistent. It also makes them easy to maintain because editing one library item updates all jobs where it’s been added.

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