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Create your first job description

There’s no prescribed order of steps when you’re building jobs. You can begin by adding competencies, or fill in other information first. You might start with a job summary, or save that for the end after you’ve finalized the job requirements. This article is intended as a guide so you know the options available to you in Quinto.

Creating a new job

Click Jobs in the top nav. There are three starting points to choose from.

  • Create a blank job: Click Create on the top right of the page.

  • Use a warehouse job: Click Create, enter a title, and select Start with warehouse content.

  • Copy an existing job: Find the job, click the 3-dot icon, and select Duplicate.

Your new job will open in a workspace with plenty of features. You can learn more about those features here. We’ll keep things simple and focus on the main elements of building a job to get you up and running quickly.

Writing a job summary

The job summary is an important piece of your job description. It briefly explains what the role involves. Just click +Add under the Summary heading and start typing. We recommend it be 20-60 words long.

Filling in information

You’ll see fields such as job level, salary, or location under the Information heading. The properties displayed depend on what’s been added to the job template, Click here to learn more about customizing this section.

Adding content

Paste new content

If you have existing job descriptions, you can simply paste content directly on the job. Click +Add under a library heading. If you paste multiple lines, Quinto will convert each line into a separate item. Once the job is published, these items are automatically added to your library so they can be reused on other jobs.

Search existing content

To conduct a quick search, click +Add under a library heading and press the # button on your keyboard. Start typing and you’ll see results from your libraries appear in the drop-down.

To browse all of your library content, click the search icon in the toolbar to open the content finder. Click the library name to switch between libraries and use the group and tag filters to narrow your search.

Add AI suggestions

Want to see how quickly Quinto can take you from a blank page to a full job description? Open the content finder from the toolbar and click the AI suggestions button.

We suggest responsibilities and skills from up to three jobs that best match the job title. Our AI tool also makes selecting competencies and proficiency levels fast and easy. We analyze the job summary and responsibilities you’ve added to suggest the best matches from HRSG’s competencies.

Adding subheadings

You can organize the content you’ve added with subheadings. Click +Add and enter text the same way you’d add an item. Then click the 3-dot icon on the far right and select Turn into subheading.

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