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Levels analysis

Available on Plus and Compliance plans

When building jobs, it’s important to accurately reflect skill and competency requirements. However, it can be challenging to see how requirement levels are being defined across all the jobs in your organization. Quinto's level analysis tool streamlines this process, empowering your HR team to:

  • Get a consolidated view of competency and skill levels, providing centralized insights.

  • Quickly identify and correct discrepancies.

  • Ensure consistency in requirements across job levels.

Accessing level analysis

You’ll need permission to access analytics to view the level analysis table. Click Jobs in the top nav. Click the Jobs page title and select Levels analysis in the dropdown.


Filtering level data

Click the Competencies page title to switch between competencies and skills.


Use the search bar to find a specific competency or skill. You can also filter the table by job group. This makes it easy to focus on specific segments of your organization so you can set clear expectations for roles within the same job family.


Click the table icon on the top right of the page. You can drag and drop job levels to make them visible or hidden. For example, you might want to zero in on leadership jobs. Hiding unrelated levels simplifies this comparison, making patterns and outliers easier to spot.


Adjusting proficiency levels

Click on a count to view a list of job titles associated with that proficiency level. If you notice a level that seems out of sync, click the ‘x jobs’ link. The jobs table opens in a filtered list so you can review the list and make edits if necessary to bring jobs in line with each other.


The count of jobs includes published and draft jobs. If a published job has a draft version, the draft and published versions are counted separately.

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