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Release notes: 2023-09-27

New features

  • Introduced org import so you can easily add new users or an entire hierarchy. Learn more

  • Made SSO available for more secure and convenient access to your site. Learn more


  • Made PDF/Word jobs respect the job template.

  • Made audit log entries more specific.

  • Added the ability to export a guide from the interview tab in jobs.

  • Added menu options to switch between the draft and published versions of a job.

  • Made UI updates to the job collaboration panel.



  • Corrected the job count when publishing a competency.

  • Fixed the publish action on draft versions of published competencies.

  • Removed the tag filter in the responsibilities library.


  • Fixed formatting and content issues with PDF/Word jobs.

  • Fixed issues with draft versions of published jobs not being updated.

  • Fixed owner invitation links so jobs open in edit mode.

  • Fixed issues with incorrect architecture labels on competencies.

  • Fixed highlighting subheadings so they don’t disappear.

  • Fixed the quick search scrollbar when you’re adding items.

  • Fixed certifications so they remain in the order they were added.

  • Fixed the display of properties in job descriptions and job posts.

  • Fixed issues with job posts not respecting the job post template.

  • Removed information subheadings from the job post template.

  • Corrected the job count when turning off or deleting a property.

  • Fixed silent updates so the jobs table doesn’t need to be refreshed.


  • Fixed the display of jobs in the warehouse so all content displays.

  • Fixed jobs added from the warehouse so job levels are included.

  • Fixed issues with warehouse content when a competency is renamed.


  • Fixed issues with the jobs table and audit log downloads.

  • Fixed an issue with interview tables so the primary column can’t be hidden.

  • Fixed the users page so the table can be sorted by the added column.

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