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Release notes: 2023-11-27

New features

Consistency scores and guidelines: Define organizational standards so people creating jobs can keep within the ideal range for each section. For example, you might recommend a job should have between eight and ten competencies. We provide default recommendations, but you can make adjustments. Quinto calculates a consistency score based on these recommendations so you can easily identify jobs that need more work. Learn more

Job analytics: Track the health of your jobs with a new page that displays scores and statistics. You can see the average consistency of jobs, the percentage of published jobs, top competencies, and more. We’ve also added a new analytics widget to display on the homepage. Learn more


Job descriptions

  • Updated the group filter when creating a job so it’s clear which groups are sub-groups.

  • Removed the drop-down from the Show changes button so it functions like a toggle.

  • Made text wrap in alphanumeric properties on jobs.

  • Made draft copies of jobs open for feedback by default.

  • Updated the job progress calculation when a job section is turned on or off.

  • Hid library types in the content finder that are turned off in the job template

  • Hid the Make equivalents setting when there’s only one item on a line.

Job posts

  • Added rich text functionality to the job post template.

  • Updated the default settings of the job post template.

  • Added a banner to the job post indicating when a job has a draft copy.

  • Hid the information section on the job post when that section is empty.

  • Hid properties and subheadings if they’re turned off in the job template.

  • Hid proficiency levels and architecture labels on job posts.

Job exports

  • Added the last published date to PDF and Word exports.

  • Labelled the job version number in the footer of PDF and Word exports.


  • Made general UI updates.

  • Added new actions and clarified entries in the audit log.

  • Added a new optional position ID property.

  • Made global improvements to multi-select filters.

  • Added an automatic logout when you close your browser and the time-out is exceeded.

  • Disabled all submit buttons after the first click to avoid duplicate entries.

  • Applied tags to the draft copy and published versions of competencies.

  • Applied tags to duplicated items.


Job descriptions

  • Fixed pasting content so all items are saved and sentences aren’t separated.

  • Fixed issues with items not saving successfully or requiring a page refresh to display.

  • Added a browser alert when you navigate away from a job with unsaved changes.

  • Fixed editing a job title so it doesn’t revert back to the original title.

  • Fixed the subheading percentage so it doesn’t disappear after being added.

  • Fixed adding an item to a job so it’s added in the line you’re currently editing.

  • Fixed editing custom properties so the change is reflected in the last updated date.

  • Fixed issues with track changes.

  • Fixed filtering the jobs table by competency so only jobs with that competency appear.


  • Prevented adding the same leadership competency to a job level more than once.

  • Allowed adding the same leadership competency to multiple job levels.

  • Fixed core competencies being labelled incorrectly as leadership competencies.

  • Fixed changing leadership levels so core competencies are not removed from jobs.

  • Fixed an issue with silent architecture updates so changes are applied to all jobs.


  • Fixed issues with incorrect tags displaying on warehouse items.

  • Clarified toast messages when adding items from the warehouse.

  • Fixed equivalent education items so they’re delivered successfully with jobs.

  • Fixed an issue with the Show assigned levels setting not displaying certification levels.

  • Fixed editing a competency name so it doesn’t update the interview questions filter.


  • Fixed an issue where only the first question associated to a competency appeared.

  • Fixed adding a level to the interview scale so it appears in exported guides.

  • Fixed exporting guides with questions associated to a deleted competency.


  • Fixed several 422 errors.

  • Fixed turning off a library, property, summary, or level so content is permanently deleted.

  • Fixed issues with permissions that weren’t properly granting or restricting access.

  • Fixed the org import so updating a user’s job in the file also updates their job in Quinto.

  • Fixed the copy to clipboard feature on the job post.

  • Made the footers in the communication pages fixed so the Save button is visible.

  • Fixed the user table download so it doesn’t include deleted positions.

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