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Understand signoff statuses

Overview of the signoff process

The signoff process ensures that employees acknowledge and approve the latest version of their job descriptions. Each signoff follows a specific workflow:

  • A job starts in the To do status until a signoff request is sent.

  • Once the request is sent, the status changes to Requested.

  • When the employee signs off on their job, the status updates to Current.

  • If the signoff has been in the Current status longer than the duration specified in the expiry date setting, the status changes to Expired.

  • Republishing a job returns the status to To do. Send a new request or grant signoff.

Signoff status workflow

Signoffs (4).png

Signoff status definitions



To do

The employee has not been sent a signoff request for the latest version of their job.


A signoff request has been sent to the employee.


The employee has signed off on the latest version of their job.


The signoff is no longer valid. (This is based on the job template settings). Learn more


The job was republished after the last signoff. A new one may be needed. Learn more

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