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Release notes: 2024-02-07

New features

COMPLIANCE PLAN Job signoffs: Ask employees to sign off on their job description. Signoffs are managed in a separate table, allowing you to track requests, send reminders, and generate reports of completed signoffs to meet compliance requirements. Learn more

COMPLIANCE PLAN Multiple job templates: Create additional job templates to give you the flexibility of structuring jobs differently depending on the unique needs of your organization. Learn more

PLUS PLAN Job review cycles: Optimize your workflow with automated reminders for job reviews. Set up a recurring cycle, such as annual reviews, to ensure that job requirements remain up to date. Learn more

PLUS PLAN Job comparisons: Simplify the alignment of job roles by comparing two jobs or different versions of the same job in a side-by-side view highlighting differences and matches. Learn more

PLUS PLAN Competencies and skill level comparisons: Keep requirements consistent by comparing the levels of competencies and skills with up to three other jobs—all without leaving the job you're working on. Learn more

Job flagging: Users with permission to manage jobs can flag jobs and filter by flagged jobs. Whether you want to revisit specific jobs or mark those requiring further review, this feature provides a convenient way to stay organized.

Job starring: Users with permission to access jobs can star jobs and filter by starred jobs. Stars are personal to the user; they aren’t visible to anyone else.

ADD-ON ATS integrations: We’ve built integrations with Greenhouse, FactorialHR, and BambooHR so you can push jobs posts from Quinto to your ATS.


Job descriptions

  • Added a section selector when exporting jobs. You can also choose to display full competency details or names and levels only.

  • Implemented AI recognition for skills, education, and certifications. Our AI identifies items from the text you add to a job. Skill levels are also identified if the scale hasn’t been edited. This feature can be turned on or off in content defaults.

  • Added links to the rich text editor in the job post template.

  • Added a drop-down to switch between competencies when viewing a full competency.

  • Removed the deprecated status tag when viewing previous job versions.

  • Added a position column to the Employees tab on job descriptions.

  • Excluded published jobs with draft versions from the silent update process.

Job collaboration

  • Added past comments, reactions, and feedback to the version history view.

  • Added a notification dot beside new comments.

  • Added hint text so users know they can use @ to mention another collaborator.

  • Separated the counts of reactions and comments.

  • Added the option for collaborators to revert feedback from ‘Ready to go’ to ‘Reviewed’.

  • Displayed a ‘Not added’ label on blank information fields for reviewers.

Interview guides

  • Added the option to choose from all competency questions as well as job-related.

  • Added a search bar to the interview question side panel.

  • Displayed levels along with associated competencies in the question side panel.


  • Made various UI updates.

  • Updated the width of tasks before being truncated and added the full title in a tooltip.

  • Added tooltips for status dots in tables.

  • Added a status column to all tables in addition to status dots to improve accessibility.

  • Added field and button selector ids on the login page to improve accessibility.

  • Made the homepage side panel fixed and added tooltips to recently viewed items.

  • Excluded competencies viewed from a job from the list of recently viewed items.

  • Added a count of published jobs to the Analytics page.

  • Added new entries and feature tags to the audit log.

  • Added the ability to manage guidelines when consistency scores are turned off.


Job descriptions

  • Fixed job exports so the section names match updates made in content defaults.

  • Fixed job exports so the section order matches the job template.

  • Fixed adding a user to a job so they’re always added to the published version.

  • Fixed core and leadership competencies being duplicated when re-added.

  • Fixed job summary guidelines so they appear when you’re editing a job.

  • Fixed leadership competencies so you can successfully select a level on a job.

  • Fixed changing the Show architecture setting so it triggers a pending update.

  • Fixed the page size of jobs exported to PDF so they fit on an 8.5 x 11” page.

  • Fixed issues with the competency and skill filters in the jobs table.

  • Fixed issues with track changes when editing the job summary.

  • Fixed issues with undo and redo.

Job collaboration

  • Fixed the link on in-app notifications so the job opens in collaboration mode.

  • Fixed the job owner filter so it includes published jobs that have a draft version.

  • Fixed the @ mention so collaborators that have been removed can’t be mentioned.

  • Fixed re-adding a collaborator so their task is no longer cancelled.

  • Fixed issues with inviting collaborators.

  • Fixed notifications so they’re not sent to collaborators who have been removed.

  • Cancelled tasks associated to draft versions that have since been published.


  • Fixed the locations page so you can view the full list when there are more than 25.

  • Prevented duplicate questions when a deleted competency is re-added from warehouse.

  • Prevented deactivated users from becoming suspended through 5 failed logins.

  • Fixed showing or hiding columns so this doesn’t remove the column dropdown.

  • Fixed issues with the Reset button in tables.

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